Webinar: Poverty Proofing© Libraries 1c

Webinar: Poverty Proofing© Libraries 1c
27 November 2024 17:30 - 18:30

Libraries Connected is excited to announce a partnership with Children North East for the Poverty Proofing© Libraries programme, generously funded by Arts Council England. 

Join us to learn more about this transformative initiative!

The two main aims of this webinar are: 

  • Attendees have an understanding and an empathy for families experiencing the effects of poverty, and 
  • That they start to understand and unpick the impact poverty may have on the accessibility of their work through an exploration of:
    • Who Children North East are and why this work matters nationally and locally
    • The definitions of poverty
    • An exploration of the root causes and consequences of poverty
    • How poverty impacts on engagement with libraries and the wider community 
    • Support in beginning to identify the inadvertent barriers faced by those experiencing poverty.

Please note: this is one of three of the same webinars being held at different times:

  • 18 November 2024, 11-12 noon
  • 26 November, 2-3pm
  • 27 November, 5.30-6.30pm

To book onto one of the other webinars instead, please go to the Events page of our membership platform here.

Please also note: whenever the term Poverty Proofing© is used, please use the copyright symbol.

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