2025 Libraries Connected Awards open for nominations
We are pleased to announce that the 2025 Libraries Connected Awards are now open for nominations.
Now entering their fourth year, our Awards celebrate the achievements of people working in public libraries, acknowledging excellence, and showcasing good practice. Linked to the Universal Library Offers and Promises, they are judged by those leading these areas of work nationally. They offer the opportunity to uncover new library champions, encourage the leaders of the future, and give library staff the recognition they deserve.
Nominations can come from anyone, but we are particularly keen to hear from those working in or with public libraries, including volunteers and library partners. Awards are made in the following six categories:
Culture and Creativity
Health and Wellbeing
Information and Digital
Children Promise
Vision and Print Impaired People’s Promise
Libraries Connected Chief Executive Isobel Hunter said:
Since their inception in 2021, our Awards have consistently demonstrated public librarians’ commitment to going above and beyond their everyday duties. Every year it is both a surprise and a delight to learn about the life-changing, creative initiatives that are carried out by staff whose determination to deliver for their communities deserves to be celebrated.
When we began these Awards in 2021, library staff were under significant pressure due to a squeeze on local government funding. This situation has, as we know, only worsened in subsequent years. It is therefore even more remarkable, given this financial insecurity, that librarians continue to deliver for their customers. The Awards are not just deserved rewards for hard-pressed library people. They are also powerful demonstrations to those in government tasked with funding decisions that libraries are engines of innovation and economic growth that urgently require greater investment.