Bursaries to AMA's Inclusivity and Audiences Day 2022
Libraries Connected is excited to announce that they will be offering two bursaries to the AMA Inclusivity and Audiences Day 2022.
Inclusivity & Audiences Day takes place online on 12 May 2022 from 8.30-4.30. The Inclusivity strand looks at the underpinning principles and awareness, while the Audiences strand looks at how you apply these foundations to your work.
The day as a whole will:
- Raise your awareness of inclusivity as an opportunity to change our language
- Develop your understanding of audience development techniques in post-Covid times
- Provide support to help you build equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into your work and internal culture
- Help you make informed decisions about EDI in your work and organisation
- Support you on the journey.
Our bursaries are available to people working in public libraries in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Crown Dependencies. Although it isn’t essential, we would welcome applicants who fit one or more of the following criteria:
- Individual from a diverse background (including, but not limited to, the nine protected characteristics identified by the Equality Act 2010 - age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation)
- Individual working in a geographical area with high levels of deprivation (by this we mean due to rural isolation or low socio-economic communities for example)
- Individual who works primarily in the Welsh language, or who works for an organisation working predominantly in the Welsh language.
To apply, please complete and return the application form (see below) to helen.drakard@librariesconnected.org.uk by 5pm on Monday 11 April 2022.
If you have any queries about these bursaries, please email Helen Drakard helen.drakard@librariesconnected.org.uk