Libraries Connected announces Peer Mentoring Scheme
Libraries Connected is excited to announce the launch of its Peer Mentoring Scheme.
The Peer Mentoring Scheme is designed to complement the generous ad hoc support provided through the Heads of Service Network. Its purpose is to build resilient, strong, well-supported leaders by:
- Building/consolidating leadership skills of mentors and mentees.
- Empowering mentors and mentees: building confidence and courage.
- Supporting leaders who may feel/be isolated.
- Offering practical help e.g., capital projects, restructures, service transformation, working with Councillors, budgeting, technical knowledge etc.
The scheme will build on the Heads of Service culture of mutual support, and it will further develop Libraries Connected’s Leadership Pathway for personal and professional development. In a time where we continue to experience change, having mentors to turn to is even more important. Indeed, increasingly people are creating their own ‘personal advisory board’ seeking different mentors to meet their various development and support needs.
In the attached documents below you will find full FAQs, plus mentor and mentee application forms. If you would like to apply to be a mentor or a mentee, please complete the application form below and email it to The deadline for applications has been extended to Monday 11 July 2022.