Libraries Connected launches second round of Peer Mentoring Scheme
Libraries Connected is excited to launch the second cohort of its Peer Mentoring Scheme in partnership with Penny Shapland, professional coach.
Its purpose is to build resilient, strong, well-supported leaders by:
- Developing compassionate leadership and listening skills.
- Increasing mentee confidence, influencing skills and making time for reflection.
- Supporting leaders who may feel/be isolated.
- Offering practical help e.g., capital projects, restructures, service transformation, working with Councillors, budgeting, technical knowledge etc.
This year the scheme is open to Heads of Service and Emerging Leaders who may consider applying for a Head of Service role within the next 12 months or have current responsibility for a major project or large-scale change (for example restructure, capital projects, service transformation). The scheme is open to our members in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Crown Dependencies. Below you will find full FAQs.
Positive impact
The scheme will build on the Heads of Service generous culture of mutual support, and it will further develop Libraries Connected’s Leadership Pathway for personal and professional development. In times of rapid change and uncertainty, having mentors to turn to is even more important. Indeed, increasingly people are creating their own ‘personal advisory board’ seeking different mentors to meet their various development and support needs.
The first peer mentoring cohort found the experience empowering. Mentees reported greater confidence in “pushing back” and benefited from protected time for reflection. Mentors increased their mentoring and listening skills leading to further development of their leadership capabilities.
Next steps
If you are interested, watch our mentoring video to hear from previous participants.
Submit your completed application for mentors or application for mentees by 18 April 2025 or encourage a colleague to do so. Then add these important dates to your calendar (all online):
- Confirmation by email of selected participants: Friday 25 April
- Launch event and speed dating: Wednesday 7 May, 10am to 11.30am.
- Announcement of mentor/mentee pairs: Tuesday 20 May
- Mentor / mentor training: Wednesday 21 May, 10am to 11.30am.
- Drop-in support sessions:
- Tuesday 8 July, 12.30pm to 1.30pm
- Friday 12 September, 12.30pm to 1.30pm
- Tuesday 21 October, 12.30pm to 1.30pm
- Finale event: Tuesday 25 November, 10am to 11.30am.
If you have any questions which are not included in the FAQs, please contact Becky Scott, Project Manager Workforce Development and Skills.
Libraries Connected Peer Mentoring Programme 2025 – FAQs
What is Libraries Connected?
Libraries Connected is a membership organisation comprised of every library service in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, and the Crown Dependencies. We are partly funded by Arts Council England as the Sector Support Organisation for public libraries.
What is the purpose of the Libraries Connected Peer Mentoring Scheme?
The scheme is designed to complement the generous ad hoc support provided through the Heads of Service Network. Its purpose is to build resilient, strong, well-supported leaders by:
- Developing compassionate leadership and listening skills
- Increasing mentee confidence and influencing skills
- Making time for reflection
- Supporting leaders who may feel/be isolated.
- Offering practical help e.g., capital projects, restructures, service transformation, working with Councillors, budgeting, technical knowledge etc.
How does the mentoring programme fit with Libraries Connected’s other learning opportunities?
The scheme builds upon the Heads of Service culture of mutual support, and it will further develop Libraries Connected’s Leadership Pathway for personal and professional development. At this time, when we continue to experience change, having mentors to turn to is even more important. Indeed, increasingly people are creating their own ‘personal advisory board’ seeking different mentors to meet their various development and support needs.
How has this scheme been developed?
Following the successful pilot scheme in 2022, we have commissioned Penny Shapland-Chew to facilitate the development of this programme with us for this second cohort of library leaders.
How much experience do I need to be a mentor?
The experience you have gained in your personal and professional life has got you to where you are today. It is enough experience for you to be a mentor. Mentors often fear that they will not have enough experience to meet the expectations of their mentees. We would like to reassure you that the briefing/training day will give you the skills and confidence to be a mentor however many years you have worked, in libraries or outside.
Do I have to be from a library background to be a mentee or mentor?
No. We recognise that public library leaders may transition into the profession from adjacent cultural sectors.
You should be a library Head of Service or emerging library leader possibly considering a Head of Service role in the next 12 months, who is leading and managing libraries, but the wealth of your experience may come from a variety of sectors.
Do I have to join the programme in June? What if I wanted to join later in the year?
This mentor programme is running from June 2025 to November 2025. We will evaluate it to make sure it continues to meet the needs of HOS and emerging library leaders .
What if I cannot get to the launch and briefing /training days in May 2025?
Please do apply if you are not able to get to the launch 7th May, 10am to 11.30am. However, we hope you will join us because we will share further information about the programme and mentees will have the opportunity to ‘meet’ the mentors. Mentors will talk about their experience and skills and mentees will get a sense of them and who they feel they would like to work with.
We will also run an online briefing /training on Wednesday 21st May 10am – 11.30 am, and we would encourage you to come to both.
What benefits will I get from coming to the launch and briefing/training days?
You will meet and connect with all your colleagues who will be part of the programme. You (whether a mentor or mentee) will have the opportunity to enhance your mentoring skills. You will be prepared to build a shared understanding of the framework of the programme and of your mentoring relationship and anticipate issues which may arise. These sessions will prepare you to make the most of your mentoring.
How will the matching work?
Mentors will speak for two minutes each at the launch, setting out an overview of their experience and giving a sense of themselves. At the end of the launch day, mentees will choose three potential mentors. Libraries Connected and Penny Shapland-Chew will then match people using these choices together with the needs mentees have set out in their applications.
Do the mentees and mentors have to meet in person?
This should be decided between the mentors and mentees at their first meeting. In practice, we imagine most meetings can take place online, but some people may decide to meet in person occasionally.
What happens if things go wrong between us?
There is guidance in the mentoring handbook, which we will give you at the launch. However, you can also contact Penny Shapland-Chew who is a trained supervisor for support at any time. You can also contact Becky Scott at Libraries Connected.
Can I apply to be both a mentee and a mentor?
As we have only a limited number of spaces, you will be unable to apply as both a mentor and mentee.
Is there any funding available to support my involvement?
There is funding for your training and support. There is no funding for expenses.
What support is available?
- A launch session and a briefing/training session at the beginning of the programme.
- A mentoring handbook including templates to guide you through the mentoring process.
- Three drop-in sessions for mentors between July and November.
- Ad hoc 1:1s with professional coach and supervisor between July and December.
Do we have to stop meeting in November 2025?
No, but if you are to continue meeting, this must be agreed between you and your mentee/mentor in November.
How will you evaluate this pilot?
We have commissioned Kevin Bolton to evaluate the mentoring programme. Participation in the evaluation is voluntary. The evaluation will be used to understand the impact of the scheme and help to evolve the the programme for future cohorts.