Libraries Connected seeks new member trustees
Are you passionate about the future of public libraries?
Libraries Connected has grown rapidly in the last five years, delivering a wide range of national programmes, training and support to public libraries. We are pleased to have received a new funding settlement from Arts Council England as an Investment Priorities Support Organisation for libraries, and have developed an ambitious strategy until 2027.
We are now looking for two leaders in the library sector to become member trustees and help us deliver that strategy, ensuring we provide the right support to libraries at this challenging time. We are particularly looking for people with strong strategic management skills and a record of advocacy and influencing within and for the libraries sector.
As a trustee you will make a real and positive difference to those working in public libraries and the communities that rely on them, while acquiring new skills that could help you develop both professionally and personally.
To apply to be a trustee, please send a CV and covering letter setting out how you feel you meet the person specification above to by 15th February. Applicants will be asked to attend an interview on either the 26th or 27th of February. Interviews will be held in either London or Birmingham.