MozFest bursary applications now open for library staff

MozFest Virtual will take place online from 20 to 24 March 2023 and we are delighted to be offering six bursaries to public library staff.

The Mozilla Festival, affectionately known as MozFest, is hosted by the Mozilla Foundation, it is a celebration for, by, and about people who love the internet, showcasing world-changing ideas and technology through exhibitions, talks and interactive sessions.

MozFest describes itself as

'A unique hybrid: part art, tech and society convening, part maker festival, and the premiere gathering for activists in diverse global movements fighting for a more humane digital world'.

With a MozFest ticket you can:

  • Access to hundreds of sessions across the four days of the festival.
  • Watch hours of on-demand sessions and content after the festival ends.
  • Attend talks by leading voices from across the internet health movement.
  • Gather with the community through our virtual socials.
  • Engage with artists as they respond to outcomes from sessions.
  • Connect with a Slack community of over 4000 past, present and future MozFest participants

Applying for a bursary is simple. Just email with a short statement of up to 300 words explaining why you would benefit from attending. In return we may ask you to contribute to a blog for our website.

The bursaries are open to anyone working in public libraries in England, Wales, Northern Ireland or the Crown Dependencies. Closing date for applications is Friday 10 February 2023.

A hand holds a tablet displaying a keypad.

A hand holds a tablet displaying a keypad.