Revisions to England's library byelaws announced

England's model library byelaws have been revised to reflect changes in how people use libraries, following consultation between the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) and Libraries Connected.

Under the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964, a local authority may make byelaws regulating the use of library facilities provided by it under that Act. These are intended to help libraries deliver their service within a safe and comfortable environment, to safeguard library property and to make libraries places everyone can enjoy. 

However, it is clear that people in 2025 no longer engage with public libraries in the same way they did in the mid-1960s and as a result, byelaws must be updated. The changes, which can be read here and come into effect this month, are the result of extensive consultation and engagement with our members. 

It should be noted that local authorities are not required to have byelaws in place for libraries according to the 1964 Act. However if they choose to do so they must follow the procedure explained on the UK Government website. Any questions about this process should be addressed to or

We wish to thank James Pearson, Head of Service Libraries Registration and Archives at Kent County Council who has led the work on the updates, and acknowledge the help of many other Heads of Service.

A young girl studies a book in a library.