About us

The Libraries Connected staff team

We are an independent charity that supports, promotes and represents public libraries. Our work is driven and led by our membership, which includes almost every library service in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Crown Dependencies (Guernsey, Jersey and the Isle of Man). 

Across the areas we serve there are 176 individual library services with around 3,000 library branches serving over 61 million people.

Our unique approach is to bring the leaders of these services together to share experience, expertise and evidence – driving innovation and impact across the public library sector. 

While we mainly work with senior library leaders, most of our events, training, resources and support are available to all library workers. 

As well as providing practical support, training and advice to libraries, we represent them to government and raise their profile in the media. We also develop and lead national library projects with cultural, academic and corporate partners. 

We work to a strategic plan that runs until 2027, organised around four themes: drive, grow, connect and engage. 

Our values

  • We are supportive. We respond to the varied, emerging needs of our members and their communities to enable libraries to learn from each other, and other sector leaders, so that they can safeguard and improve their services. 
  • We are inclusive. We work with our members and partners to design and deliver our work and to determine our strategic priorities because we are committed to representing the diverse communities and libraries which we serve. 
  • We are open. We are in constant communication with our members and partners on all levels to learn from their experiences, reflect on our practice and develop our services. We welcome challenge and new directions for our work. 
  • We are ambitious. We believe that libraries are an essential part of the solution to a range of society’s needs. We promote innovation and collaboration to ensure that libraries are recognised locally and nationally. 

Our history

We were established in 1996 as the Society of Chief Librarians. We changed our name to Libraries Connected in 2018, when we became an Arts Council England Sector Support Organisation (SSO) and registered charity.

How we are funded 

We generate income from membership subscriptions, commissioned services, events and grants. As an Arts Council Investment Principle Support Organisation, part of our core funding in England comes from the Arts Council to help embed their Investment Principles across the library network.  

View our annual accounts


We are a registered charity (07559747) and a registered company (1176482). Our board of trustees has responsibility for the overall management and strategic direction of the organisation. 

We have a maximum of 13 trustees, most of whom are library leaders themselves, with up to four places on the board reserved for external trustees who have gained experience and expertise in other sectors. 

The board is chaired by the President, who is elected from and by the membership.