Webinar: Introduction to Local Government Reorganisation

Webinar: Introduction to Local Government Reorganisation
27 March 2025 11:00 - 12:00

Join us to hear about the timetable and process for local government reorganisation from Alex Howell, Policy Adviser at Local Government Association.

This is the first in a series of webinars delivered jointly by Libraries Connected and The National Archives to support the heads of archives and library services.

In December 2024, the Government published the English Devolution White Paper.

In this, the government has announced that it will facilitate a programme of local government reorganisation for two-tier areas and for those unitary councils where there is evidence of failure or where their size or boundaries may be hindering their ability to deliver sustainable and high-quality services for their residents.

Currently, nearly 40 top-tier authorities have expressed interest in reform which may mean mergers with Districts, and boundary changes for existing top-tier authorities.

This will have major impacts for many archive and library services. They have buildings with specific geographical locations, but more fundamentally their services and collections serve the whole geographical area of their existing parent authority. Boundary changes could have fundamental implications for how they operate, how they design and deliver services, how they manage collections and how they secure funding. It will not be a simple process of “lift and drop” into the new authority.

Who should attend

This webinar is for heads of archives and library services or their chosen representative.


The webinar will cover the following topics:

  • The government's drivers
  • The broad timeline
  • Which authorities are involved at this early stage
  • Useful sources of information

Book your place on Eventbrite via this link.

If you have any questions, please email emma.daniel@librariesconnected.org.uk

Image credit: Marsha Lowe

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