
A central part of our work is developing and leading national library projects with a wide range of cultural, academic and corporate partners. In some cases these are short-term projects that test ideas, pilot new approaches or gather evidence. Others are longer-term with the aim of developing capacity and leadership across the public library sector.

Universal Library Offers

Our Universal Library Offers are the essential things that libraries do, developed with library leaders, frontline workers and users.

Workforce Development and Skills

Our Workforce Development and Skills programme is dedicated to building the future skills of the public library workforce, contributing to stronger, more resilient library services.

Women's Prize Readers' Room

To coincide with the 30th anniversary of the Women's Prize, the Women’s Prize Trust are expanding their work with libraries.

Poverty Proofing© Libraries

Helping libraries understand the impact poverty may have on the accessibility of their services.

Support for Ukraine

This partnership with Library Country Ukraine Charitable Foundation allows the UK library community to provide practical support to libraries in Ukraine.

Culture Nature England

Developed in partnership with Natural England, Culture Nature England funds libraries to deliver projects that build connection with nature.


The microgrants programme, funded by Arts Council England, awards grants of £1-5k to support small-scale projects or the early stages of larger initiatives.

Know Your Neighbourhood

Widening participation in volunteering and tackling loneliness through libraries in 27 disadvantaged areas across England.

Black British Ballet

The untold stories of Britain’s black ballet dancers are put centre stage for the first time in this unique exhibition, touring 25 public libraries in 2024 and 2025.

Universal Library Offers

Our Universal Library Offers are the essential things that libraries do, developed with library leaders, frontline workers and users.

Libraries Connected Awards

Celebrating the achievements of library workers who have had an exceptional impact on their library service, users or local community.

Regional Development

Tailored support for our nine regional networks in England, helping them increase their sustainability, resilience and capacity to deliver large scale projects.

Green Libraries

The Green Libraries partnership delivers resources to help libraries build resilience in the diverse communities they serve.