Warm spaces return to UK libraries for third year running

Public libraries are once again preparing to provide warmth, company and support to those affected by poverty and social isolation over the winter months.

Warm spaces – sometimes called warm hubs or warm banks – are free community venues where people can go to stay warm during the colder months. The movement began in 2022 when energy prices soared because of the war in Ukraine.

Once again, almost all library services will take part in a warm spaces scheme. The first of these will open next week after the clocks go back this weekend.  

As well as offering a free, heated space, most libraries will again deliver a range of other support, including entertainment, cultural activities, free hot drinks, and advice sessions on topics like household budgeting. Other initiatives include providing free warm clothing and blankets, sanitary products and food banks.

For the third year running, Libraries Connected is a partner of the Warm Welcome Campaign, which supports a network of over 4,000 warm spaces across the UK. The aim of this year’s campaign is to grow the number of warm spaces so that 100% of the population has a space close to home.

Isobel Hunter MBE, chief executive of Libraries Connected, said:

The reality is that millions of people can’t afford to turn the heating on as the nights get colder. Once again, libraries will be there to provide warmth, company and support – as well as lots of practical advice and information. This is all in addition to the everyday work of libraries: lending books, developing skills, supporting business and providing exciting cultural opportunities for the whole community. We’re proud to be part of the Warm Welcome network and to back their Warm Welcome for All 100% Pledge campaign.

David Barclay, Warm Welcome Campaign Director, commented:

Libraries are places of warmth and connection and play a unique role in bringing communities together. Nearly a third of Warm Welcome Spaces are libraries and we’re delighted that Libraries Connected is backing our Warm Welcome for All 100% Pledge campaign. With rising energy prices and the ongoing cost-of-living crisis, people desperately need Warm Welcome Spaces in libraries and in other venues like community centres, churches, cafes, sports centres, businesses and museums We want everyone to join us by making a personal pledge, so everyone can find a Warm Welcome Space in their neighbourhood.

A woman speaks to a female librarian with a cup of hot drink in her hand.

A woman speaks to a female librarian with a cup of hot drink in her hand.