Libraries Connected seeks new trustees

We are looking for a number of trustees to join the Libraries Connected board. 

We are seeking both independent trustees and trustees from among our membership. These new trustees will help us fulfil the objectives laid out in our 2023-27 strategic plan. Our trustees must have a passion for the future of libraries, along with the vision, expertise and creativity to help us as we develop and grow. We are looking for a range of skills and experience among our trustees. They do not need to have a background in public libraries, but they must have a passion for our mission and purpose.

Trustees will be expected to visit at least two library services per year, together with a Libraries Connected member of staff and to attend up to two networking or launch events per year. The role of trustee will take up approximately 12 days per year. 

The information pack available to download below will provide you with information about the organisation’s mission, core purposes and future plans and details about the key skills and attributes we are looking for in a trustee. The pack is also available as a webpage to the right of this article. Organisations interested in promoting these opportunities can also find a printable advert available to download at the bottom of this article.

To apply to be a trustee, please send a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and covering letter setting out how you feel you meet the person specification above to by 8 January. Shortlisted applicants will be asked to attend an interview in London on 27 January or in Manchester on 3 February. You will be asked to indicate your preferred location when contacted for interview.

A hand holds up a camera phone which is filming an event inside a library

A hand holds up a camera phone which is filming an event inside a library